Follow the straight forward path until you reach another room with a bell on (or in) the ground. You will notice there is a small breeze so pay attention to your screen since a QTE might show up. You will hear enemies in the distance, but you shouldn’t worry about them at all.īlast through the barrier with the shotgun and continue. You can opt to sit down and to assign skill points, upgrading your gear or you can carry on with the story. Afterwards, continue your path through the tunnel to encounter the only Base Camp in this area. Pull the bell towards you with the Rope Darts and smash it into the gate to open it.

The puzzle to exit the room is very simple.

Kill the ground enemies in any fashion you desire, but be sure to use the shotgun (easiest way to kill those enemies as it is a one hit kill) whenever you see someone going down the line. This is a good boost towards the 10 you might need to unlock the “Deadeye”-achievement.
You might notice enemies sliding down from zip lines. During that cutscene, enemies will spot Lara. Take a close look, as this is what the game all about is. Follow the straight forward path and you will trigger a cutscene.

You should hear enemy voices and Lara will soon say that they are looking for her so prepare yourself as it won’t be a stealth escape. Besides this small remark, let’s continue our escape and enter the new area.